
Monday 29 January 2024

Vision Mamba: Rethinking Visual Representation with Bidirectional LSTMs


Visual representation learning is a fundamental task in computer vision, which aims to learn meaningful and robust features from images that can be used for various downstream tasks, such as object detection, segmentation, classification, and tracking. However, most existing methods for visual representation learning rely on large-scale supervised data, which are costly and time-consuming to collect and annotate. Moreover, these methods often fail to capture the temporal dynamics and long-term dependencies of visual scenes, which are essential for understanding complex and realistic scenarios. Secondly, many vision transformers  rely heavily on self-attention mechanisms for learning visual representations. While effective, these mechanisms can be computationally expensive and memory-intensive, hindering their scalability for high-resolution images.

To address these challenges, a team of researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Horizon Robotics, and Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence have developed a new model called Vision Mamba, which stands for Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model.The motto behind the development of this model is to enable fast and effective learning of visual features that can generalize well to various tasks and domains.

What is Vision Mamba?

Vision Mamba is a groundbreaking model that stands as a new generic vision backbone. It is designed with bidirectional Mamba blocks (Vim) that mark image sequences with position embeddings and compress the visual representation with bidirectional state space models. This innovative framework is a departure from its text-focused predecessors, as it is specifically designed to efficiently handle vision tasks.

The model leverages the advantages of both self-supervised learning and state space models to learn rich and efficient visual representations from unlabeled video data. It uses a bidirectional state space model (BiSSM), a probabilistic model that describes the evolution of a hidden state variable over time and how it generates the observed data. This allows for both forward and backward inference of the latent states, capturing the bidirectional dependencies and temporal context of the video data. This unique approach sets Vision Mamba apart in the field of visual representation learning.

Key Features of Vision Mamba

Vision Mamba has several key features that make it a unique and powerful model for visual representation learning. Some of these features are:

  • Improved Computation & Memory Efficiency: Vision Mamba demonstrates significantly improved computation and memory efficiency.
  • Bidirectional Mamba Blocks (Vim blocks): These are the core building blocks of Vim, processing information in both directions and enabling efficient extraction of long-range dependencies.
  • Position Embeddings: Unlike self-attention models that require positional encoding, Vim utilizes explicit position embeddings, reducing computational overhead.
  • Hierarchical Feature Aggregation: Vim adopts a hierarchical structure to progressively aggregate features from low to high resolutions, resulting in richer representations.
  • Efficiency: Vision Mamba can learn visual representations from unlabeled video data in a self-supervised manner, eliminating the need for expensive and tedious data annotation. It can achieve high compression of the representation size, enabling the model to run on resource-constrained devices.
  • Robustness: Vision Mamba can learn visual representations that are invariant to various transformations, improving the generalization ability of the model. It can also learn visual representations that are adaptive to different tasks and domains by capturing the temporal dynamics and long-term dependencies of the video data.
  • Versatility: Vision Mamba can learn visual representations that are transferable to various downstream tasks. It provides a universal and flexible representation basis and can reconstruct and synthesize video frames from the latent states.

Capabilities/Use Case of Vision Mamba

some of the Capabilities/Use Case of Vision Mamba are listed below:

  • High-Resolution Image Processing: From medical imaging to satellite imagery, Vision Mamba can analyze large, detailed images with ease.
  • Resource-Constrained Devices: Its low computational footprint makes Vision Mamba ideal for deployment on edge devices with limited processing power.
  • Representation Generation: Vision Mamba can reconstruct and synthesize video frames from the latent states, providing a way to visualize and interpret the learned representations.
  • Real-Time Applications: Vision Mamba’s speed paves the way for real-time applications like autonomous driving and video object detection.

How does Vision Mamba work?

Vision Mamba, as depicted in figure below, is a novel model designed to handle vision tasks. It transforms 2-D images into flattened 2-D patches, which are then linearly projected into a vector of size D with added position embeddings.

The overview of the proposed Vim model
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The model uses a class token, inspired by ViT and BERT, to represent the entire patch sequence. This sequence is processed by the Vim encoder, which outputs a normalized class token. The output is then fed into a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) head to generate the final prediction.

The architecture of Vision Mamba revolves around its Vim blocks. These blocks are composed of three key components: Bidirectional LSTMs, Residual Connections, and Gated Linear Units (GLUs). Bidirectional LSTMs process information in both directions, capturing long-range dependencies. Residual Connections directly connect the input to the output of the block, facilitating information flow and maintaining gradients. GLUs introduce non-linearities while maintaining efficiency. By stacking these Vim blocks, Vision Mamba builds a hierarchical representation of the input image, progressively extracting features from coarse to fine resolutions.

The Vim block, a crucial component of Vision Mamba, incorporates bidirectional sequence modeling for vision tasks. The input token sequence is first normalized and then linearly projected. The hidden state dimension D and expanded state dimension E are set based on the sizes of DeiT series. This unique approach allows Vision Mamba to efficiently process visual data and sets it apart from other models in the field of visual representation learning.

Performance Evaluation with Other Models

As shown in figure below, Vision Mamba (Vim) has been benchmarked against DeiT, a well-established vision transformer. The performance and efficiency comparisons reveal that Vim outperforms DeiT on both pretraining and finetuning tasks.

Performance and Efficiency comparison with other model
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In the arenas of ImageNet classification, COCO object detection, and ADE20k semantic segmentation tasks, Vim outshines DeiT with superior performance.

Furthermore, Vim requires less GPU memory than DeiT for inferring large images due to its linear memory complexity. For example, Vim is 2.8x faster than DeiT and saves 86.8% GPU memory when performing batch inference to extract features on images with a resolution of 1248 × 1248.

These results suggest that Vim has the potential to become a leading vision backbone for future tasks, particularly those involving high-resolution images or resource constraints. For more detailed benchmarks and comparisons, please refer to the original research paper.

How to Access and Use This Model?

The code for Vision Mamba is available at the GitHub repository. You can use it locally and find its instructions on the GitHub page. You can stay updated on the project's progress by following the research team's website or the GitHub repository linked in the sources. All relevant links are provided under 'source' section at the end of this article.

Future Work

  • Unsupervised learning: Given its bidirectional SSM architecture and position embeddings, Vim holds great potential for unsupervised tasks like mask image modeling pretraining, similar to what's done with other vision backbones. This could expand its applicability to domain-specific tasks where labeled data is scarce.
  • Multimodal learning: The similar architecture with Mamba suggests possibilities for extending Vim to multimodal tasks like CLIP-style pretraining. This could enable learning joint representations across modalities like vision and language, opening doors for richer understanding and analysis in various domains.
  • Downstream applications: Pre-trained Vim weights could be a valuable starting point for exploring its usefulness in specific domains requiring high-resolution analysis. Examples include medical imaging, remote sensing imagery, and long videos. Such applications could benefit from Vim's efficient processing of long-range dependencies and detailed information within these complex data types.


Vision Mamba marks a significant departure from the self-attention dominance in visual representation learning. Its efficient architecture, impressive performance make it a powerful tool for researchers and developers alike. Vision Mamba represents a significant stride in computer vision. Its unique features and capabilities make it a promising model for various vision tasks. Despite its current limitations, the future of Vision Mamba looks promising, and it has the potential to become the next-generation backbone for vision foundation models.

research paper -
GitHub repo -

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