
Wednesday 26 July 2023

FacTool: A Revolutionary Tool for Factuality Detection in Generative AI

FacTool: Factuality Detection in AI - symbolic image


Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that aims to create new content or data from scratch, such as text, images, audio, or video. Generative AI has many potential applications, such as content creation, data augmentation, text summarization, image captioning, and more. However, one of the major challenges of generative AI is ensuring the factuality and reliability of the generated content. How can we verify that the generated content is consistent with the real world facts and does not contain any false or misleading information?

This is where FacTool comes in. FacTool is a novel tool for factuality detection in generative AI, developed by a team of researchers from the Global Artificial Intelligence Research (GAIR) Lab, a leading research lab in the field of natural language processing and machine learning. The motto behind the development of FacTool was to provide a comprehensive and robust solution for factuality detection in generative AI, which can help users and developers to assess the quality and trustworthiness of the generated content.

What is FacTool?

FacTool is a tool-augmented framework that aims to enhance the factuality detection in generative AI models. Generative AI models are models that can create new content or data from scratch, such as text, images, audio, or video. However, these models may sometimes generate content that is not factual or reliable, which can affect the quality and trustworthiness of the content. Therefore, factuality detection is a crucial task that evaluates the consistency and accuracy of the generated content with the real world facts. 

FacTool is designed to improve the accuracy of factuality detection by incorporating additional information from external sources, such as knowledge graphs and databases. These sources provide rich and diverse information and knowledge that can help verify and score the factual statements extracted from the generated content. FacTool is a flexible and modular framework that can handle different types of tasks and domains for factuality detection in generative AI.

Key Features of FacTool

FacTool has several key features that make it unique and effective for factuality detection in generative AI:

  • FacTool is a cutting-edge tool that boosts the factuality detection in generative AI models, which can create new and original content or data from scratch.
  • FacTool leverages multiple sources of information and knowledge, such as knowledge graphs and databases, to cross-check and score the factual statements extracted from the generated content, ensuring their consistency and accuracy with the real world facts.
  • FacTool is a versatile and adaptable tool that can handle different types of tasks and domains for factuality detection in generative AI models, such as text, images, audio, video, news, sports, entertainment, science, etc.
  • FacTool is a flexible and modular tool that can be easily integrated with existing generative AI models, allowing users and developers to customize it according to their needs and preferences. As an example, please look at the below image that shows that tool can be integrated with ChatGPT to fact check the information generated by ChatGPT.

    FacTool integrated with ChatGPT
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Capabilities/Use Cases of FacTool

FacTool has many potential capabilities and use cases for factuality detection in generative AI. 

  • It can be used as a quality assurance tool for generative AI models and systems, helping users and developers evaluate the quality and trustworthiness of generated content. 
  • It can be used as a feedback mechanism, providing suggestions for improvement or correction of generated content. FacTool can also be used as a benchmarking tool, allowing users and developers to compare the performance of different generative AI models and systems in terms of factuality. 
  • It can be used as a research tool, helping researchers analyze the behavior and characteristics of different generative AI models and systems in terms of factuality.

How does FacTool work?

The framework consists of five main components: claim extraction, query generation, tool querying, evidence collection, and agreement verification. It works by following these steps:

The Framework of FacTool
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First, it extracts claims from the generated text. Claims are statements that can be verified as true or false. It uses a language model called ChatGPT to find claims based on different definitions for different tasks. For example, for code generation, a claim is a code snippet that solves a given problem. For scientific literature review, a claim is a summary of a research paper.

Next, it turns claims into queries for different tools that can provide evidence for or against them. It uses ChatGPT or GPT-4 to generate queries that are suitable for each tool. For example, for code generation, it uses the Python interpreter to run the code snippets and check the outputs. For scientific literature review, it uses Google Scholar to search for the research papers and their details.

Finally, it verifies the factuality of claims based on the evidence collected from various tools. It uses ChatGPT or GPT-4 to judge the factuality of claims using different methods depending on the type of claim. For example, for code generation, it compares the outputs of the code snippets with the expected outputs and decides if they are correct or not. For scientific literature review, it compares the summary of the research paper with the information from Google Scholar and decides if they match or not.

Performance Evaluation

FacTool uses different tools and sources to verify the factual statements in the text. It works better than other methods that only use language models to check their own inputs.

The researchers wanted to see how well FACTOOL works compared to other methods. They used two other methods that use language models called Self-Check with 3-shot CoT and zero-shot CoT. These methods have been good at doing different tasks, such as talking, solving math problems, and writing code. But they only use language models to check their own inputs. They don’t use any other tools or sources.

The researchers tested FACTOOL and the other methods on different tasks, such as answering questions, writing code, solving math problems, and reviewing research papers. They used a dataset called RoSE to test how well FACTOOL can find factual statements in the text. They also made their own datasets for each task to test how well FACTOOL and the other methods can verify the factual statements in the text.

Experimental results of FACTOOL powered by different tool on different tasks.
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The results showed that FACTOOL with GPT-4 was the best method for checking the factuality of generated text. It beat almost all the other methods on all the tasks. It had the highest scores for finding and verifying factual statements in the text.

These results show that FACTOOL is a great tool for checking the factuality of generated text. It can find and fix factual errors better than other methods that only use language models to check their own inputs. It can use different tools and sources to get more accurate and reliable information.

How to access and use this model? 

FacTool is available on GitHub. The repository includes instructions on how to install and use the model, as well as examples of how it can be integrated with existing generative AI systems. FacTool is open-source and can be used both locally and online.

If you are interested to know more about FacTool framework, all relevant links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this article.

Limitations And future work 

Like any AI model, FacTool has its limitations. For Example, its accuracy may be affected by the quality and availability of external information sources. Future work on FacTool may focus on improving its ability to handle noisy or incomplete data, as well as expanding its capabilities to handle additional tasks and domains.


FacTool is a novel and innovative tool that advances the field of generative AI by providing a robust and comprehensive solution for factuality detection. FacTool is a valuable tool that can contribute to the journey of AI by improving the reliability and accuracy of generative AI models and systems.

research paper -
research document -
GitHub Repo -

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