
Saturday 3 August 2024

MindSearch: Open-Source AI for Enhanced Web Search Efficiency

Presentational View


Web information seeking and integration are the activities of searching, retrieving, extracting or integrating Web sources in order to answer a particular need for useful purpose. It is a performance that every decision-making and problem-solving entity should necessarily perform in almost all domains of practical life.

The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) with search engines has redefined how we seek and use information on the web. Consequently LLMs enable better comprehension of natural language queries assisting to deliver more precise search results that also take into appropriate context. The more you have the ability to combine, the better queries can be formed since extracting and aggregating information from disparate sources improves greatly. Even after these improvements, problems such as address complex queries; process the large volumes of search results and integrating into the LLMs' context length limits remain.

A New AI Model that will help in addressing these problems by improving the efficiency and accuracy of web information search and integration. The research team behind this new A.I. model are made up of scientists from the University of Science and Technology in China, as well as scholars inside Shanghai AI Laboratory. This work was motivated by the idea of developing an AI framework for simulating basic human cognitive processes in web information seeking and integration. This new AI model is Mindsearch.

What is MindSearch?

MindSearch is an open source project that aims to simulate human information retrieval, acquisition and integration behaviour using a web  page. This framework utilizes a multi-agent to break down complex queries into subqueries and carry information in a clever way. It is a powerful and effective way to improve the depth of relevance, which has direct applications in subject-based queries.

Key Features of MindSearch

  • A Superior Way to ask Everything: MindSearch is built for theme queries, allowing it to answer any question using the power of web knowledge.
  • Knowledge Discovery: It will surf hundreds of web pages to deliver longer as well as wider knowledge base answers.
  • Solve Path with Details: MindSearch makes all its detail visible so that users can verify everything they want, making the responses more credible and usable.
  • Optimized UI Experience : This is optimized with the UI Experience it includes different interfaces like React, Gradio, Streamlit and Terminal for providing users a choice of their flexibility.
  • Dynamic Graph Construction: MindSearch decomposes user queries into atomic sub-questions that are valid for the search and expands graph branches with some new vertex from current search results.

Capabilities/ Use cases of MindSearch 

  • Fast Document Search: MindSearch uses AI to search documents for short queries, providing faster results and saving time from checking multiple files.
  • Operational Efficiency: It minimizes the process of document search/retrieval which increases work-efficiency if implemented in professional settings.
  • Scientific research : Scientists can access the relevant information within a multitude of documents held at their department.
  • Personal: Quickly find your personal documents and information without searching through pages.
  • Chat feature: Provides an unobtrusive chat capability for personal and professional communication from the system.

Such features and functionalities that follows after these steps make mindsearch a flexible tool for powering up web information seeking & integration into several domains.

How Does MindSearch Work? (Architecture/Design)

MindSearch works by breaking down complicated user queries into smaller sub-questions. This means that the WebPlanner will simulate this query as a dynamic graph. See figure below: The general workflow of MindSearch consists two crucial components: WebPlanner and WebSearcher. WebPlanner is responsible for scheduling the reasoning steps along with multiple WebSearchers, it serves as a top level planner.

The overall framework of MindSearch
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Graph Construction process: Graph construction is the decomposition of a user query into atomic sub-queries, represented as nodes in graph. This makes it easy to write complex queries and manage long context. The WebSearcher executes hierarchical search through keywords on the engines and produces valuable results to be collected by the other robot, followed now yhe WebPlanner. MindSearch splits the reasoning and retrieval process to specialized agents so that the entire framework can search more information from web pages single piece of page parallelly, too.

Built on top of JADE, MindSearch provides an easy-to-use framework for multi-agent applications in a high-performance search engine information-seeking and integration system. This explicit context management and role distribution let MindSearch collect and consolidate information from multiple pages of the web in short time. This architectural design allows MindSearch to compete against proprietary AI search engines; and thus providing an encouraging solution for forthcoming research & development.

Techniques and Methods Used in MindSearch

The following are the AI and machine learning techniques used in constructing the final MindSearch model:

  • Hierarchical Information Retrieval: Use hierarchical information retrieval to learn how search engines work, extract the relevant valuable information for from search engines into WebPlanner.
  • Retrieve-Augment-Generate (RAG): MindSearch employs a RAG-based search in LLMs that combines the retrieval of up-to-date information with powerful solution generation.
  • Code Generation: MindSearch uses code generation to interface with the graph and execute searches, allowing the model to continuously decompose complicated problems into executable queries.
  • Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG): This representation conveys the challenges in determining the optimal execution path, and it is formally represented through a DAG with an easy-to-understand LLMs nature.
  • Python Interpreter: MindSearch uses a python interpreter to interpret and execute code, achieving diverse search results for the planner making it possible interact with graph using unified calls.
  • Zero-Shot Learning: MindSearch works in a zero-shot setting, meaning that it can be applied to new tasks or domains even if no data for their downstream (target) task has been used during the deploy stage.
  • Long-Context Management: To cope with long-context tasks, MindSearch uses a context management mechanism to help the model focus on crucial details and reduce noise.

Apart from above, few of them like LLMs usage, Graph Construction, Multi-Agent framework are already covered in previous sections. All these techniques and methods really step up the game, offering way better response quality and accuracy than other models out there.

Performance Evaluation

The above process was performed on MindSearch model and it competed with other models ChatGPT-Web, Perplexity. ai Pro. Depth, Breadth and Facticity: For the three types of 2D format models (without any knowledge mask) shown in below figure,  MindSearch has superior performance as compared to these models. This is clear given MindSearch generates detailed responses in response to fine searches which are just plainly better than others.

Subjective evaluation results on open-set QA questions
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Apart from the open-set QA tasks, MindSearch was also tested on a few closed-set QA tasks(Bamboogle,Musique and HotpotQA). Overall, as shown in table below, MindSearch performs significantly better than the other models on these tasks including ReAct Search and raw LLM without search engines. The perflist is similar across different LLM backends, e.g., GPT-4o and InternLM2. 5-7b-chat. These results prove that MindSearch is performing very well for answering complex questions to the queries.

Performance comparison on various closed-set QA tasks
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In sum, the performance test presents that MindSearch performs better than other models in response quality and accuracy.

How to Access and Use MindSearch?

MindSearch is available as an open-source project on GitHub. Users can deploy it with their own style search engine using either closed-source LLMs (GPT, Claude) or open-source LLMs (InternLM2.5-7b-chat). The project provides detailed instructions for setting up the API, FastAPI server, and frontend interfaces (React, Gradio, Streamlit, Terminal). The licensing structure is Apache 2.0, making it freely available for both commercial and non-commercial use.

Limitations and Future Work

While there has been a lot of improvement in response quality, but still MindSearch has limitation. A very important problem here is hallucinations - the case when after a long context dialogue, model can come up with any answer not tied to reality. Second, search engines can and often do promote information that is both biased or outdated. Although a multi-agent design is able to handle complex queries, it can present issues with managing the context of these migrations if not done correctly. 

Future research may take up tasks such as fact-checking mechanisms, better context management and the exploration of other types of information sources apart from search engines. Revisiting these limitations will allow pioneer solutions such as MindSearch to evolve into a more powerful and reliable web information seeking/integration solution.


MindSeach is a major advance in web information seeking and integration. It also solves many other problems in this domain by reason of resembling the human cognitive processes. It is built as an open-source platform and offers a high level of performance which makes it desirable for both researchers, business audiences. MindSearch - A Future Ahead! The future for AI-driven information retrieval with all the coming advances, Mindsearch is entering in a essential position.

research paper: 
research document:
project page :
GitHub Repo:

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