
Monday 12 June 2023

Video-LLaMA: A Novel and Advanced Audio-Visual Language Model for Video Content

Video-LLaMA Audio-Visual Language Model - symbolic Image

Video understanding is a challenging task that requires processing both visual and auditory information from videos. However, most existing language models are designed for text or speech only, and do not leverage the rich multimodal signals in videos. To address this gap, a team of researchers from DAMO Academy, Alibaba Group, and Nanyang Technological University have developed a new audio-visual language model called Video-LLaMA .

What is Video-LLaMA?

Video-LLaMA stands for Video Language Modeling with Localized Attention and Masked Acoustic Features. It is a transformer-based model that can learn from both video frames and audio waveforms in an end-to-end manner. The model has two main components: a video encoder and a text decoder. The video encoder extracts visual and acoustic features from videos and applies localized attention to focus on relevant regions and sounds. The text decoder generates natural language descriptions or answers based on the encoded video features.

The researchers have demonstrated that Video-LLaMA can achieve state-of-the-art results on several video understanding tasks, such as video captioning, video question answering, and video retrieval. Moreover, they have shown that Video-LLaMA can generate diverse and coherent captions for videos that have never been seen before, using a generative version of the model.

Key Features of Video-LLaMA

Video-LLaMA has several key features that make it a powerful and versatile audio-visual language model. Some of these features are:

  • Multimodal input: Video-LLaMA can take both video frames and audio waveforms as input and learn from the joint representation of visual and auditory information.
  • Localized attention: Video-LLaMA uses a novel attention mechanism that can dynamically attend to specific regions in the video frames and segments in the audio waveforms, based on the query or the task. This allows the model to capture the fine-grained details and temporal dynamics of videos.
  • Masked acoustic features: Video-LLaMA employs a masking strategy that randomly masks out some of the acoustic features during training, forcing the model to rely more on the visual features. This improves the robustness and generalization of the model, especially for videos with noisy or missing audio.
  • Generative capability: Video-LLaMA can be extended to a generative model that can produce novel captions for unseen videos, by sampling from the probability distribution of the text decoder. The generative model can also control the style and tone of the captions by using different pre-trained text models as initialization.

Capabilities/Use Cases of Video-LLaMA

Video-LLaMA can be applied to various video understanding tasks that require natural language output or input. Some of these tasks are:

  • Video captioning: Video-LLaMA can generate descriptive and informative captions for videos, summarizing the main events and actions in the videos. For example, given a video of a dog chasing a ball, Video-LLaMA can generate a caption like “A dog runs after a ball thrown by its owner in a park”.
  • Video question answering: Video-LLaMA can answer natural language questions about videos, such as “Who is singing in this video?” or “What color is the car in this video?”. Video-LLaMA can use its localized attention to focus on the relevant parts of the videos and provide accurate answers.
  • Video retrieval: Video-LLaMA can retrieve relevant videos from a large collection based on natural language queries, such as “Show me videos of cats playing with yarn” or “Show me videos of people dancing salsa”. Video-LLaMA can use its multimodal input to match both visual and auditory cues in the queries and the videos.

How does Video-LLaMA work?

Video-LLaMA is a framework that enables large language models (LLMs) to understand both visual and auditory content in videos. It consists of several components that work together to process and fuse the multimodal information from videos. The main components are:

  • Visual and audio encoders: These are pre-trained models that encode the video frames and audio waveforms into feature vectors. They capture the spatial and temporal information from the visual and auditory modalities.
  • Video Q-former and Audio Q-former: These are modules that query the visual and audio features using self-attention and generate query embeddings for each modality. They enhance the temporal information from the video frames and audio waveforms.
  • Cross-modal transformer: This is a module that fuses the query embeddings from both modalities using cross-attention and generates joint embeddings that represent the video content. It learns the cross-modal alignment and interaction from the video features.
  • Text decoder: This is a pre-trained LLM that generates natural language output based on the joint embeddings. It can perform tasks such as video captioning, video question answering, or video retrieval. It inherits the linguistic knowledge and style of the pre-trained LLM.

Video-LLaMA is trained on a large-scale vision caption dataset and a high-quality vision instruction tuning dataset, to align the output of both visual and audio encoder with LLM’s embedding space. Video-LLaMA demonstrates its ability to perceive and comprehend video content, generating meaningful responses that are both accurate and diverse.

What are current competitors of Video-LLaMA?

Video-LLaMA is a novel and advanced audio-visual language model that outperforms existing models on several video understanding tasks. However, there are some other models that also aim to achieve multimodal video understanding, such as:

  • VideoBERT: VideoBERT is a model that learns joint representations of video and text using a BERT-like architecture. VideoBERT can perform video captioning and video retrieval tasks, but it only uses visual features from videos, and does not incorporate audio information.
  • Hero: Hero is a model that learns universal representations of video and text using a transformer-based architecture. Hero can perform various video understanding tasks, such as video question answering, video retrieval, and video summarization. Hero uses both visual and acoustic features from videos, but it does not use localized attention or masked acoustic features.
  • UniVL: UniVL is a model that learns unified representations of vision and language using a transformer-based architecture. UniVL can perform video captioning, video question answering, and video retrieval tasks. UniVL uses both visual and acoustic features from videos, but it does not use localized attention or generative capability.

Where to find and how to use this model?

Video-LLaMA is an open-source model that can be found and used in different ways, depending on the user’s preference and purpose. Some of these ways are stated as below:

  • Video-LLaMA has an online demo that allows users to try out the model on various videos and tasks. Users can upload their own videos or choose from a list of sample videos, and then select a task such as video captioning or video question answering. The demo will then show the output of Video-LLaMA for the selected task. The online demo is a convenient and fast way to test the model’s capabilities without installing anything.

  • Video-LLaMA has a GitHub repo that contains the code and instructions for using the model. Users can clone the repo and follow the steps to install the dependencies, download the pre-trained models, and run the model on their own videos or datasets. The GitHub repo is a flexible and customizable way to use the model for different purposes and scenarios.

  • Video-LLaMA has a research paper that describes the details and evaluation of the model. Users can read the paper to learn more about the motivation, design, implementation, and results of Video-LLaMA. The research paper is a comprehensive and authoritative source of information about the model.

Video-LLaMA is licensed under Apache License 2.0, which means that it is free to use, modify, and distribute for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, as long as the original authors are credited, and the license terms are followed.

If you are interested learn more about this model, all desired links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this article.


Video-LLaMA is a powerful and versatile audio-visual language model, but it also has some limitations that could be improved in future work, such as:

  • Data efficiency: Video-LLaMA requires a large amount of data to train and fine-tune its parameters. This could limit its applicability to domains or scenarios where data is scarce or expensive.
  • Domain adaptation: Video-LLaMA is trained on general-purpose video datasets, such as HowTo100M and MSRVTT. This could affect its performance on domain-specific or specialized videos, such as medical or educational videos.
  • Evaluation metrics: Video-LLaMA is evaluated using standard metrics for video understanding tasks, such as BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE-L, CIDEr, Accuracy, Recall, etc. However, these metrics may not fully capture the quality and diversity of the model’s output, especially for generative tasks. More human-centric or task-oriented metrics could be used to better assess the model’s capabilities.


Video-LLaMA is a new audio-visual language model that can learn from both video frames and audio waveforms in an end-to-end manner. Video-LLaMA is an impressive and promising model that demonstrates the potential of multimodal video understanding. It could be applied to various domains and scenarios where natural language interaction with videos is needed or desired. It could also inspire more research and development on audio-visual language models in the future.

online demo -
GitHub Repo -
Research Paper -
research document -
hugging face -

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