
Monday 5 June 2023

ReWOO: How to Boost Efficiency and Accuracy in Augmented Language Models

ReWOO modular framework - symbolic image


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been advancing rapidly in recent years, thanks to the development of large language models (LLMs) that can read, understand, and generate natural language. However, LLMs alone are not enough to handle complex tasks that require reasoning and external knowledge. That’s why researchers have been exploring augmented language models (ALMs), which are LLMs enhanced with external tools and skills.

One of the most prominent examples of ALMs is Auto-GPT, which can perform autonomous task execution by calling various tools such as LangChain, a bloc.kchain-based language service platform. Auto-GPT and LangChain are developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating and ensuring the safe and beneficial use of artificial general intelligence (AGI). The motto behind their development is to democratize access to natural language processing (NLP) and empower users with the ability to create and share content across languages and domains.

However, ALMs also face some challenges, such as high token consumption, prompt redundancy, and tool reliability issues. To overcome these challenges, a team of researchers from OpenAI has proposed ReWOO (Reasoning WithOut Observation), a game-changing modular paradigm that cuts token consumption by detaching reasoning from external observations. In this blog article, we will explore what ReWOO is, how it works, and what benefits it offers.

What is ReWOO?

ReWOO is a modular paradigm for augmented language models that separates the reasoning process from external observations. The idea behind ReWOO is to break down complex reasoning tasks into three separate modules: Planner, Worker, and Solver. Each module has a specific role and communicates with each other through a shared memory.

ReWOO aims to reduce token consumption by minimizing the computational load associated with repeated prompts. By separating reasoning from external observations, ReWOO avoids feeding historical tokens to the LLM every time it resumes token generation after calling a tool. This way, ReWOO achieves prompt efficiency and reduces costs for commercial LLM services.

Key Features of ReWOO

ReWOO has several key features that make it unique and effective. Some of them are:

  • Modularity: ReWOO divides complex reasoning tasks into three modules that can be independently optimized and fine-tuned. This allows for greater flexibility and scalability in designing ALMs for different domains and applications.

  • Efficiency: ReWOO reduces token consumption by decoupling reasoning from external observations. This leads to significant savings in terms of time and money for using LLMs such as GPT-3.

  • Accuracy: ReWOO improves accuracy by synthesizing plans and evidence from multiple sources. This helps avoid errors and inconsistencies that may arise from relying on a single tool or observation.

  • Robustness: ReWOO exhibits robustness in cases where external tools face reliability issues. By separating reasoning from observations, ReWOO can handle incomplete or noisy data without compromising performance.

Capabilities of ReWOO

ReWOO has many potential capabilities and use cases across various industries and domains. Some examples are:

  • Content creation: ReWOO can help users create unique and creative content with great linguistic accuracy and consistency. For instance, ReWOO can generate blog articles, summaries, essays, poems, stories, code, etc., by calling different tools such as LangChain, Grammarly, WordNet, etc.

  • Question answering: ReWOO can help users answer complex questions that require multi-step reasoning and external knowledge. For example, ReWOO can answer questions such as “Who is the president of France?” or “How many people live in New York City?” by calling different tools such as Wikipedia, Wolfram Alpha, Google Maps, etc.

  • Task execution: ReWOO can help users perform autonomous tasks that involve multiple steps and tools. For example, ReWOO can book a flight ticket or send an email by calling different tools such as Expedia, Gmail, Calendar, etc.

ReWOO Architecture:

ReWOO works by dividing complex reasoning tasks into three modules: Planner, Worker, and Solver. 

ReWOO Architecture

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The Planner module takes a task as input and creates a list of plans that depend on each other. Each plan is a logical expression that specifies what subtask to do and what tool to use. The Planner module then sends each plan to the Worker module. 

The Worker module executes each plan by calling the corresponding tool and getting the relevant information. The Worker module then stores the information as evidence in a shared memory. The evidence is a key-value pair that maps an attribute of the task to a value. The Planner module and the Worker module work together to collect all the evidence needed for the task. 

The Solver module takes the task, the list of plans, and the shared memory as input and combines them to produce the final answer to the task. The Solver module may use logical operators such as AND, OR, NOT, etc., to merge multiple plans and evidence. ReWOO works by separating the reasoning process of LLMs from external tools, avoiding the repetition of prompts that are common in observation-dependent reasoning. 

This way, ReWOO reduces token usage and improves prompting efficiency.

How to access and use this model?

ReWOO is currently in the developmental phase and is not yet accessible to the general public. However, individuals who are interested can stay updated on the progress of ReWOO by visiting the GitHub repository, where the researchers have made their code and data available. Furthermore, users can delve into their published paper, which offers comprehensive insights into ReWOO's methodology, evaluation, and outcomes.

ReWOO has been specifically developed to function alongside GPT-3.5, an enhanced version of GPT-3 that incorporates instruction fine-tuning capabilities.

While the code and data of ReWOO can be found on GitHub, users are advised to reach out to the authors for additional details regarding licensing and usage.


ReWOO is a promising model that offers many benefits for augmented language models. However, it also has some limitations that need to be addressed in future work. Some of them are:

Tool dependency: ReWOO relies on external tools to provide evidence for reasoning tasks. However, these tools may not always be reliable, accurate, or available. ReWOO needs to handle cases where tools fail, return incomplete or noisy data, or have different formats or languages.

  • Plan complexity: ReWOO generates plans based on logical expressions that specify subtasks and tools. However, these plans may not always be optimal or feasible for complex tasks that involve multiple steps and constraints. ReWOO needs to improve its planning algorithm to handle cases where plans are too long, too short, or contradictory.

  • Generalization: ReWOO is evaluated on six open NLP benchmarks and a curated dataset that cover various reasoning tasks. However, these datasets may not capture all the possible scenarios or domains where ReWOO can be applied. ReWOO needs to test its performance on more diverse and realistic tasks that require different types of reasoning and knowledge.


ReWOO is an innovative modular framework designed to enhance language models by effectively isolating the process of reasoning from external observations. This unique approach not only minimizes token usage but also enhances accuracy and robustness when handling intricate reasoning tasks. The versatility of ReWOO extends its potential applications across numerous industries and domains.

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